Wednesday, February 17, 2010


My son is crawling, and therefore getting into everything and anything he can reach and even some things that I never knew he could get to! He is getting to be very fast at it, too. I set him down and in 2 minutes he's in another room trying to chew on computer cords. Augh, computer cords are the worst, because you can't really do much to prevent a baby from getting at them, except just watch the baby very carefully.

I'm also starting to sleep train him. That is a difficult beyond hard task, and it's not always going so well. Last night, for example, I got around 4 hours of sleep total, and that's a pretty average night's sleep.

Tonight I'm going to the Twin Cities to their Fringe Lottery to see if my sister and my company (SHARDS) will get to perform our play at the Minnesota Fringe this summer. I'm crossing my fingers! It will also be a good place to get to know people, make connections, etc... something that really, really needs to be done as I don't even live in the Cities and my sister is new to the area.

Overall, I've been busy but when am I not?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I just went to the dentist yesterday, and I was expecting some more cavities, because I've been having a toothache and during my pregnancy my gums swelled up pretty badly and I have had not-so-great dental hygiene ever since. (Floss every day? I don't even shower every day!) But I wasn't expecting 10 cavities! Oy. Well there goes $350. :/ I guess i'm not too surprised though. I knew I already had 2 on my lower wisdom teeth, because I didn't get those filled before getting pregnant because I had the intention of taking them out... but since I got pregnant that idea flew out the window for a while. Now I will either have to get them filled or get them out next year... after they fill all the rest of the cavity-filled teeth this year. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about it... besides go in to the dentist in a week to get 2 of them filled.
They also prescribed me a high-fluoride toothpaste since I drink well water, but I can't use that until I'm done breastfeeding (which makes me wonder how much fluoride is IN that stuff?)